As NHS GP practices, it is important for us to understand out population, particularly when it comes to COVID19 cases and ethnicity is increasingly relevant to understand. To help practices, a series of EMIS searches have been developed.
Here you can download the EMIS searches that have been developed. These will be updated over time.
If you have done some searches of your own, or have ideas for other searches, please drop contact me!
Ethnicity and Covid Searches
These searches were last updated on the 7th July 2020
To access these searches, you need to unzip the file and then import the xml file into EMIS Population Manager.
Once you have run the searches, this is what you will see:
Covid19 Results Total
This will show you the total number of Covid19 tests you have coded in your clinical system. Looking at “Population Included” will give you the names of the patients. If patients have been to a test centre or received a postal test, these results are arriving into GP clinical systems as coded results.
Note: Some labs are not yet coding local samples – so these may need to be manually coded. If there is no code applied to the test result, it will not show up in these searches.
Ethnicity Coding
This will tell you how many of your patients have ethnicity codes and will give you an idea of the patients (under population excluded) who have do not have an ethnicity code on their medical record.
Covid19 Result where ethnicity is known
This search will show you the COVID results where ethnicity is coded
Ethinicity Coding Report inc Covid19 Codes
This list table will produce a list of all patients where ethnicity is known and the latest codes of the COVID tests
Ethnicity in Practice
This search will give you a table of the ethnicities in your practice, broken down by percentage
Ethnicity vs covid19
This table will show you the Covid19 codes broken down by ethnicity
Ethnicity vs covid19 – percentage
This is the table of Covid19 codes broken down by ethnicity but displayed as a percentage
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